Top Of The Week

What is a sober approach?

A person's "sobriety date" refers to the day on which they abstain from using a particular substance. This might be the...

How much does oxford housing cost?

The table below will show you the expected average costs of on-campus and off-campus housing and dining plans for Oxford...

Are sober living homes coed?

Learn to stay focused on recovery despite the temptation to develop a romantic relationship with a partner. Alcohol and...

Do i have to stay sober forever?

You can really stay sober for the rest of your life, but you might find it helpful not to think about it forever. On the...

Do sober living homes need to be licensed in arizona?

Anyone operating a facility that meets the legal definition of a sober living home must obtain an ADHS license to legally ...

How do i start a halfway house in arizona?

While free room and board may seem attractive, a transitional home in Phoenix, AZ should cost residents something. You...

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How do i stay sober and enjoy life?

How do i stay sober and enjoy life?

How to Enjoy Almost Everything SoberConnect with new friends and organizations. Recovery organizations such as Alcoholics ...

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How do you get completely sober?

Here are some tips for staying sober if you are struggling to keep yourself, take care of your mental health, work on...

Is it hard to live a sober life?

When I first entered treatment, the idea of living a 100% sober life terrified me. I thought it would be boring and I had ...

How can i be sober and happy?

The key to a successful and sober life lies in setting goals. Be Patient 26% Take It Slow.

Women's sober living?

The road to recovery requires more than sober homes. In addition to certification information, the Sober House directory...

What are the early stages of addiction?

The National Institute on Drug Abuse defines addiction as “a chronic, recurrent brain disease characterized by...

How can i stay sober and still have fun?

How to Have Fun and Socialize Sober Discover the fun non-alcoholic activities you're passionate about, Understand what...

Women's sober living las vegas?

Located in the beautiful desert of Las Vegas, Davis Recovery Homes are designed to help women recover from alcohol and...

How difficult is it to stay sober?

Some people may find that being sober is difficult, while others find it easier. The level of difficulty depends on...